Monday 21 October 2024

Who’s Who - WildTouchPixiebobs - Sandra Janoski

WildTouchPixiebobs was owned by Sandra Janoski, and based in USA/Canada region.  If anyone has any further information about this cattery record entry, please make contact.

Who’s who - RockStar - Amber McGee

RockStars was based in California Amber McGee, not to get confused with Rockstarz Catz based in the UK and run by Louise Boulter.  

If you have further information on Rockstar cattery record entry, please make contact.

Who’s Who - Baylynx - Shauna Toller

 Baylynx is a USA based cattery, owned by Shauna Toller in California.  If you have any further information about this cattery record entry, please make contact.

Who’s Who - WasatchPixies - Margene Bolingbroke

WasatchPixies were based in Utah, and owned by Margene Bolingbroke.  If you have any other information about this cattery record entry, please make contact.

Saturday 19 October 2024

Who’s who - SpunkyKitten - Jason Brewer

Jason Brewer was owner of SpunkyKitten.  He was Carol Brewer's son (and had a few litters). Thus cattery was based in USA.  If you have any further information for this cattery record entry, please make contact.

Historic Reference - Tatanka (O1T)

An 01T came in (and signed off by TICA judges). Bruce of RiversEdgexotics brought him in, and then he went to BlueRidgeExotics and then to LovingPaws Pixiebobs and then SwampLynx.

Historic Document - Printed Cattery Advertisements from 1999

Thanks to Richard Koons for supplying this historic advertisement, showing the details for these catteries:- Potomacs, Willow Tree, Solace Farm, Lori Toms & Muttonchops.

Historic Document - Ads from 1999 featuring FutureTrends & HillStBlues

Kathleen Muir owned FutureTrends. She lived in Seattle and she stopped in 2002, but she quit breeding all together. HillStBlues quit in 2000 or 2001 and sold all of her cats to Debbie Cox of MuttonChops Cattery. These old ads were supplied courtesy of Richard Koons. I’m informed the longhaired male in the FutureTrends ad was FutureTrend's Boris, and it comes with a rare picture of GRC Blackfoot's Sheena too!

To Enlarge please click image

Tuesday 1 October 2024

Who’s Who - CatsInDisguise - Nanda Grundmann

Based in the Netherlands, Europe.  Had the following lines… maybe more than this, but have no further information on this owner record entry.  If you have any further information, please make contact.

CatsInDisguise Mowanza and Alsoomse Apache Storm.  She has previously used stud service involving Catsheaven & Ansonroad lines also.

Tuesday 24 September 2024

Historic Reference Photo - Lone Wolf of StoneIsland


Excerpt from archive Records.

Historic Document - Advert The International Pixiebob Society (TIPBS)


Archive Advert clipping

Historic Reference Photo - ?? Sweet Pea

This pixiebob was a queen at DevilsRiver.  It’s unclear if it carried a DevilsRiver prefix (ie bred by them) or was a purchase by them and had a suffix.  For searching reasons I will include both possibilities.  If anyone has any additional information for this cat record entry, please make contact.

DevilsRiver Sweet Pea 

?? Sweet Pea of DevilsRiver

Historic Reference Photo - Romos Zahava

Romos Zahava was a stud at DevilsRiver (and joined Louise in 2014) until its closure approx 2015, due to the cattery owner sadly died. She had the opportunity to have 1 litter using this stud before her passing. Unknown where Zahava went or if he was altered and petted.  If you have any further information for this cat record entry, please make contact.

Tuesday 17 September 2024

Historic Reference Photo - Alsoomse Guardian of the People

 This cat was a prominent stud male for Alsoomse (UK cattery owned at this time by Donna Cox), he was taken on the show circuit in the late 2000s.

Historic Reference Document - Alsoomse Blog Re: Pawcountry Imports

3 female littermates were imported by Alsoomse in 2008 from a cattery named Pawcountry.  Essentially this was a Springcreek x DixiePixie line amalgamation.  Here is the post talking of their exploration in the outdoor space for the first time (after a months separation on arrival) using their given nicknames. You can see it’s dated June 19th, 2008.

Click Image to Enlarge.

The image below is the litter from which these 3 were part of. Bobby Wonder went to AnsonRoad.  Eye of the Spirit (aka Nayram) went to Alsoomse, as did Dixie Pixie (aka Dixie) & Walk Of A Legend (aka Nasus).  Offspring from these females at Alsoomse, make use of their call names as part of the pedigree name. Dixie was easy to identify but it took a bit of investigations to work out which pedigree name was associated to which nickname for the other 2 sisters.

Suresign did not come to the UK.

Historic Reference Photo - Pawcountry WalkofaLegend

If you have any information about this cats record entry, please make contact.

I know this cat resided with Donna Cox at Alsoomse.  It came with 2 other littermates These imports were negotiated through Springcreek cattery under this Pawcountry prefix.  Plus AnsonRoad imported the boy from the same litter Pawcountry Bob Yonder.  This imported girl uses the nickname of “Nasus”.

Excerpt from Alsoomse Blog Archives

Click to Enlarge Image

This queen was mated to Alsoomse Legend Falls.  One kitten went into a program.

Historic Reference Photo - Pawcountry Eyes of Spirit

The 3 imported littermate to Alsoomse cattery via Springcreek under the Pawcountry prefix. Eyes of the spirit was referred to as “Nayram” by Donna.

Extracted from the Alsoomse Blog archives 

Click Image to Enlarge

Nayram, was mated to Diesel aka (Alsoomse Guardian of the People)., as was her sister Dixie. One offspring from Nayram went into a program and this was Alsoomse Nuttah.
Click Image to Enlarge

Excerpt from Alsoomse Blog
Mating Announcement

Monday 16 September 2024

Historic Reference Photo - Pawcountry Dixie Pixie

Alsoomse cattery Import 3 female littermates from Pawcountry.  The female named Dixie was the strongest type out of the 3.  If you have any additional information about this cats record entry.

Excerpt from Alsoomse Blog Archives

Please Click Image to Enlarge

Historic Reference Photo - Pawcountry Bobby Wonder

Bobby Wonder was Imported by AnsonRoad and was used with queens AnsonRoad Lil Plum & AnsonRoad Raspberri.

If you have any further information on this cats record entry, please make contact.

Click Image to Enlarge.

Historic Reference Photo - Alsoomse Dixies Nuttah

 If you have any further information for this cats record entry, please make contact.

At 3wks
At 8wks

Nuttah as an adult

Historic Reference Photo - Potomac Soldier

 If you have any additional information about this cat record entry, please make contact.

Click Image to Enlarge

Historic Reference Photo - Potomac’S Venus Fly Trap

If you have any further information for this cat entry record, please make contact.

Historic Reference Photo - Potomac Samantha in the House

 If you have any further information about this cat entry record, please make contact.