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Thursday 9 June 2011

Announcement - A Sad Day in Pixiebob History

I have just received this morning sad news.  The breed founder Carol Ann Brewer, passed away on the 5th June 2011. She has lost her long battle with cancer.  We can but hope, that she has been reunited with Pixie herself, and many wonderful friends and family.

The breed committee forum have adapted the F.T.L.O.P (For the Love of Pixie) acronym to F.T.L.O.C. (For the Love of Carol) and dedicated it too this sorely missed wonderful lady who produce so many wonderful (Stoneisland) cats.  Totallycoastal was inspired by Carols beliefs, as were all of us [Pixiebob Breeders].  Without her, the Pixiebob would not be as we know it today, and maybe not even recognised at all.

Carol will live on in the hearts of many of the breeders, that personally knew her as a friend and/or mentor. I never had the fortune of speaking with her, but fortunately have contact with others that did.  Her vision continues as our vision. Her Passion lives on in us, and in the Pixiebobs we breed.  I hope I can "do her proud".

Forever in Our Hearts, Forever Touched Our Lives.

Rest In Peace.

1 comment:

stormyautumn said...

Thank you - Carol's daughter, Stormy